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Heroes Beer — Cereusly

Heroes Beer — Cereusly

Regular price HK$38
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West Coast IPA / ABV 6.2%

Silver award winner at HKIWSC 2021
Bronze medal winner at AIBA 2019

Bronze medal winner at AIBA 2017.
Silver medal winner at CCBA 2017.

The Hero:
Cereusly is gifted with the ability to manipulate nature’s most eccentric sounds with every gulp of beer he drinks. He employs his powers to perfect the sound engineering of post-punk band +50 dB with hopes to bring back real music to planet earth.

每當 Cereusly 喝下一口啤酒,他就能隨心操控大自然的不同聲音。此特殊能力造就了他成為得天獨厚的音響工程師,帶領 Post-punk 樂隊 +50dB 將真正的音樂帶回地球。這款IPA花香、檸檬香撲鼻,就像Cereusly的私家耳機,只應在晚上配以高質音樂享用,將味覺與聽覺享受一同提升至另一層次

The Beer:
Just like Cereusly’s favorite pair of headphones, this IPA should only be enjoyed with the finest band sound at night.

It’s a crisp, dry and aromatic American IPA created with the theme of nature and music. 

With the use of new 2016 hop varieties Loral and Ekuanot, Cereusly gives out strong grapefruit, mango, tropical fruit, floral, and grassy aroma. Put on your headphones and boom, you are in your favorite outdoor music festival.

Brewed with all pale malts, the subtle bread aroma and flavor give way and let the hops shine through.

輕盈、乾身而充滿果香草香嘅美式IPA。 特別用咗2016年新品種啤酒花Loral 同 Ekuanot,除咗撲鼻嘅西柚、芒果、熱帶果香之外,仲有草香同花香,令你恍如置身戶外音樂節。 採用低烘焙麥芽,酒色金黃通透,只有輕微麵包味做襯托,令酒花香氣得以盡情發揮。


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.



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