YEARS Presents

Years Party Set 到會餐單

 *到會服務運費到付司機 * Party Set Order Payment On Delivery.  *請於送貨日前至少3個工作天預訂到會服務。 *Orders must be placed... 

Fashion by YEARS

*如客人需以速遞形式送出貨品,必須承擔所有運送風險,包括寄失或損毀等,敬請留意。 *Please note that customers who request express delivery have to bear... 

1 0 0 1 H K

我們創建的是一個本地生活平台。不但有自家品牌產品,更從世界各地搜羅了各式各樣的設計品牌,齊集滿足您的需求。 我們旨在激勵和賦予每個人可有持續性生活,振興周圍環境並參與有意義的體驗。它提供了一個在線門戶空間,人們可以互相聯繫、學習和探索不同方面的復興、升級改造和體驗活動。 比起作為一家商店,我們更是一種生活方式的代表。既展示懷舊又時尚的訂制產品,也為你提供各樣獨特嶄新的生活體驗。 1001HK,給予你獨一無二的! We created a local lifestyle platform. Besides our... 

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#MillMilk|80後老師公務員零餐飲經驗開深水埗打卡素食cafe #美味道來

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Inspired by the love for animals and aspiration to adopt a lifestyle that is more synchronized with the rhythm and flow of the nature, Years is a lifestyle brand from Hong Kong that draws its ideas from a wide spectrum of influencesas well as a plant based eatery that aims to provide a casual way for people to enjoy plant based food while appreciating the simple beauty in our lives.