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Hydrapak Stash 水樽藍色 (1000ml) | Hydrapak Stash Bottle Blue (1000ml)

Hydrapak Stash 水樽藍色 (1000ml) | Hydrapak Stash Bottle Blue (1000ml)

Regular price HK$200
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在日常生活或户外活動時,一個輕便、型格的水樽是不可缺少的。Stash Bottle最大的特點就是能在空樽的狀態下,體積縮小至原本大小的1/4, 另外重量只有約84克,令輕巧的Stash Bottle 不論放進手袋或背囊中都可以大大減少佔用空間。水樽以耐用、耐磨的物料TPU, RF製造,打造出耐用性和彈性極高的Stash Bottle。

物料: TPU, PP (Certified by FDA and EU)

尺寸: W100 x H 210 1000ml (96g)

The Stash Bottle is an essential equipment for every adventurer. You can twist the bottle to collapse it down to 1/4 of its filled size when it is empty, minimizing the space it takes up in your purse or backpack.

Material: TPU, PP (Certified by FDA and EU)

Size: W100 x H 210 1000ml (96g)




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