心型粉晶 Heart Rose Quartz 985 grams
心型粉晶 Heart Rose Quartz 985 grams
- 又名愛情之石、薔薇之石,代表愛情、人緣、親和力
- 充滿了愛的能量,讓人放下執著,怨恨,更接納自己
- 治癒和撫慰受傷的心靈
- 平衡或開發心輪,讓人打開心扉,令人更開心
- 教導自己學會如何愛自己和愛別人
- 更容易接受新事
- 加強心肺功能的健康,舒緩緊張情緒及煩躁心情
- 穩固戀愛關係、夫妻感情,化解戀愛和家庭關係中的矛盾
- 改善人際關係,增進人脈、生意緣
請注意:粉晶屬石英水晶家族,如需清潔,可用微濕紙巾抹走表面塵埃,亦 不建議直接於太陽底下曝曬或長時間浸水
Rose Quartz
- Also known as the LOVE Stone and the stone of ROSES, which represents love, popularity and affinity
- Full of love energy, help let go of attachments, resentments, and enhance self - acceptance
- Healing and soothing wounded hearts
- Balance the Heart Chakra to open your heart, and thus making you happier
- Acknowledge you with self - love and the love for others
- Be more receptive to new things
- Strengthen the health of cardiopulmonary functions, relieve tensions and irritabilities
- Stabilize and resolve conflicts in love relationships
- Improve interpersonal relationships, and thus getting more business contacts.
Suitable for people with: unstable emotions and long-term depressions, desires for broadening the network, difficult relationships, businesses
Please note that Rose Quartz belongs to the Quartz family. Using a slightly damp paper towel to wipe off the surface dust is suggested. Direct exposure to sunlights or water immersion is not recommended as well.
Size 尺寸 :W12cm x L10.5cm
Weight 重量 :985 grams
Origins 產地 :Brazil 巴西
The colors of crystals may defer due to different lighting. All pictures are for reference .Please refer to the actual product, thank you for your understanding .
*Please note that customers who request express delivery have to bear all related potential risks such as losses and damages. Thank you for your understanding.